

A minimal Raspbian setup to run ORCΛ and connected midi devices

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This project was born as a goal to minimally document the idea of making a small mini computer with just the basics installed to run ORCΛ and Midi devices with a maximum budget of 90€.
The project is sponsored by CALE Screen manager for ESP32 displays.

This my personal take to document a minimal Raspbian installation to use as a small computer to control Midi devices. Time ago a friend refered me to a very nice sequencer that runs in Nodejs but also in a portable C version that is ORCΛ

I must that I'm not an experienced Raspbian user but I am a Linux user since about 10 years (Ubuntu/ Debian)

So I will keep this as simple as possible. I will start different than in another projects, I will just use the log to iterate, and only fulfill a detailed description when satisfied with the results.

  • 1 × Raspberry PI 4 with 1 or 2 GB Also a model 3 will work and they are cases in Thingiverse that fit perfectly ( )
  • 1 × Hyperpixel 4.0 800*480 display Touch or no Touch is your take. Touch is about 25€ more expensive so I choose the cheaper one
  • 1 × 3D printed case Remixed from
  • 1 × Optional Flex 3D printed protection Kind of mobile corner protection, this will be in place just in case your small mini computer falls

  • Anyone would like to have a Raspeberry Pi 4 image?

    Martin Fasani01/07/2020 at 07:53 0 comments

    I would like to provide anyone that wants to try this out a quick install.

    Basically a part of Orca C edition and any dependencies plus Firefox and other tools for Midi, would like to pack also PlatformIO that is already on mine, and is by any means an easy build. So a part of the Orca midi machine, you get the plus of a small portable Arduino and Espressif compiler. 

    Note that the installation of the mini Hyperpixel 4.0 800*480 display is also on the image, so if you build it with the display, it should boot correctly with it. Only for Raspberry 4 I'm afraid, since I sold my older ones, and at the moment I have only this one with 4GB Memory.

    Anyone interested?

    If yes, just comment below, I really don't have any idea how to do it. I guess will remove any personal info first, make a standard password, and just upload the image somewhere so people can get it and use it. 

  • Further testing - external monitor and sick percussion

    Martin Fasani08/18/2019 at 06:27 0 comments

  • Short video controlling Kong Electribe

    Martin Fasani08/18/2019 at 06:19 0 comments

View all 3 project logs

  • 1
    Install Raspbian

    I used Balena Etcher to install Raspbian. You have two options here:

    1. Install Raspbian without desktop (Buster Lite).
      This is enough if you want to use Orca-C
    2. Install Raspbian with desktop

      After the installation, mount the SD card, and in the boot partition do a:
    3. sudo touch ssh
      This empty ssh file will enable remote ssh access to the computer

  • 2
    Connect the Raspberry with a Network cable to your Router

    Discover that IP address using any tool or entering the Router configuration page ( in my case )
    And then access through ssh:
    ssh pi@YOURIP
    If the step 3 before was done at this point you will be logged in through ssh

  • 3
    Use raspi-config to add WiFi Credentials

    Described here in the documentation:

    sudo raspi-config
    // Network -> WiFi

View all 7 instructions

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