
Updating the Software and EMC testing

A project log for DIN Rail 10 channel LED PWM Dimmer

Use 10 channels of PWM dimming in an electric cabinet over Ethernet with the power of an ESP32

patrik-mayerPatrik Mayer 07/30/2020 at 16:543 Comments

Software and Webinterface

Well, despite the current situation we are making progress regarding the software development. m0fa is doing a great job by implementing the needed features using the Espressif IDF.

In the first version the firmware only handled UDP communication on a given port, mimicking the procotoll of our DMX-Bridge. In the meantime the dimmer can speak UDP, HTTP, Websocket and MQTT which is all configurable in the webinterface.

The webinterface is work in progress, of course used to configure the device (Network, MQTT-Broker, Ports, etc.) and firmware upgrade but can also be used to dim the ten different channels directly. The screenshot shows a basic version without the sliders for the PWM channels.

Also there will be a possibility to configure the PWM properties, such as the overall PWM frequency as well as the used dimming curve per channel and transition time. These values can be overridden which each control command.

We plan the following features for the first software release:

EMC Testing

As the final version of the DIN-Rail LED PWM Dimmer is approaching we had to make sure, that the device is compliant to european CE conformity guidelines - thus making sure that we comply with EMC/EMV.

To do that we got in contact with the local University (THM) who run a decent EMC testing laboratory and give local companys access to it. We had our first run together with two professors, who guided us through the process of meassuring and taking counter meassures if something went of the scale.

Indeed we designed the Dimmer accordingly and will only have to do minor changes. The next step will be optimizing the PCB and revise the load-FET's to completely comply with the EMC-CE guidelines. 

As always keen on your input/feedback. I'll keep you updated.



Adrian Vlad wrote 02/21/2022 at 14:38 point

Hi, any updates? I'm also interested in a few of these because I really didn't find a good wired controller for led lights. Do you have at least an estimated time and price?
Many thanks,

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Patrik Mayer wrote 02/21/2022 at 14:42 point

Sadly not, as we still try to find a contractor who can do CE for the dimmer.
So estimate is "sometime this year" - sorry.

But I can sell you a fully functional prototype version if you want.
Get in touch with me via


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Adrian Vlad wrote 02/22/2022 at 08:40 point

Email sent. Thank you

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