
Investment Reward! Raylib and RayGUI

A project log for Binaural Audio Editor

This is an audio application that produces 3D binaural audio from 2D mono audio samples and positional information given by GUI.

pablo-antonio-camacho-jrPablo Antonio Camacho Jr. 04/03/2021 at 20:070 Comments

I invested time into implementing raylib and raygui in a separate fork of

binaural audio editor called 3D Audio producer.

It paid off! 

It is much easier to work with 3d objects in raylib! Users can now pick a sound producer with a mouse click.

raygui works adequately as a GUI with few dependencies.

It lacks some features that traditional GUIs have; however, with some creativity and a very simple design philosophy, a simple GUI can be made that works very well. 

I decided that I am going to leave binaural audio editor as is and work on 3d Audio Producer. I am going to keep this project around as an archive for those who appreciate this work.

New project link here.
