➢Step descriptions:

✦Step 1:-Prepare all the part need in this videos: BC547 X1, 330ohms resistor 0.5W X1, RGB LED X1, 5V Buzzer, 220ohms resistor 0.5W X1.

✦Step 2: -Solder the BC547 and 330ohms resistor as showed in the pic below.

✦Step 3: -Solder the LED as showed in the pic below.

✦Step 4: -Solder the other pin of BC547 and 220ohms resistor as showed in the pic below.

✦Step 5: -Solder the pins of the buzzer as showed in the pic below.

✦Step 6: -Solder the jumper wire.

✦Step 7: -Connect it on to the power supply and the RGB LED is shinning , the buzzer is alarming.

Products list

『BC547』 view more ⇒https://www.utsource.net/sch/BC547

『330ohms resistor 0.5w』 view more ⇒https://www.utsource.net/sch/330%CE%A9%20resistor%201%2F2w

『RGB LED』 view more ⇒https://www.utsource.net/itm/p/8390302.html

『5V Buzzer』 view more ⇒https://www.utsource.net/itm/p/8027482.html

『220ohms resistor 0.5w』 view more ⇒https://www.utsource.net/sch/220%CE%A9%20resistor%201%2F2w

Video on Yotube: