
All the 3D parts, checkup to see everything fits nicely :)

A project log for 'Thor' robot with addons and GUI

Thor robot based on the author AngelLM

dannyvandenheuveldannyvandenheuvel 10/26/2016 at 21:163 Comments

All parts of two weeks printing, at last job done :) (special modified parts included)

Base parts (wrong motor viewed, sorry)

This time with correct motor !

Everything fits correctly

Looking good! This one has been modified, height has been smaller then the original piece.

Modified pieces to fit on a smaller 3D printer (most of them will be no problem anymore)
Overlapping pieces to keep it at strong as one piece, has to be glued togetter.

As you can see nicely fitting togetter

Yeah, good accuracy so far!

The two sides

Another modified piece split into 2 pieces

Put togetter to one piece

And again two pieces to be connected to one piece

I am very glad that the printing has been perfectly been finnished

The assembly can be started in the comming days!

Will be continued...


Julius Bangert wrote 01/19/2017 at 20:28 point

Could I print this robot arm on my Malyan M200? It has a build platform of 120x120x120. I really really want to build this.

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David H Haffner Sr wrote 10/28/2016 at 06:58 point

Wow! That is amazing, so very well presented and the 3D printing is awesome.

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Olaf Baeyens wrote 10/28/2016 at 06:16 point

Nicely done. Very good overview.

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