
Hardware Change

A project log for BBQ Thermostat

A board-controlled temp probe and fan to maintain temperature during a long smoke or BBQ

ericeric 02/21/2021 at 20:170 Comments

I couldn't get the motor to work from just using first principles - ie BJTs, etc. So I decided to go with a motor board. After a lot of looking around, I went with a Unexpected Maker Feather ESP32-S2 and Adafruit Motor Featherwing. As a plus this lets me code in Python. I tested the motor today and it works. The only bummer is that, as part of moving over, I ended up going with a Sparkfun Qwiic thermometer add-on board and it's not working well with the Adafruit Circuit Python firmware for the ESP32-S2. Once that's done I'll be able to really move forward on this.
