
Factoid: Guess where ZiLOG is located...

A project log for V-Tech Genius Leader / PreComputer Hacking

Turning a toy into a hardware tinkering platform

bernhard-hotkey-slawikBernhard "HotKey" Slawik 10/08/2020 at 17:430 Comments

While skimming through the local business register I stumbled upon the entry "ZiLOG International Ltd."...

ZiLOG —the Californian company that created the Z80 processor used in all the VTechs— is now part of Littelfuse and IXYS which in turn is c/o AVNET (big electronics distributor) which is literally around the corner of my house!

But so far I seem to be the only Z80 nerd around here (that I know of).

🌈 *The more you know!* 🌠
