
Increasing dehydrator temp

A project log for Project BFE

This project is to outline building an ender 5 into a large scale 3d printer.

simplisticlinessimplisticlines 08/15/2019 at 17:200 Comments

Food dehydrators, toasters and many other coil driven heating systems have very simple circuits. The upper limit of the system is controlled by a thermal fuse and have a potentiometer for adjusting temperature. For this loaner unit original fuse was rated for about 80c. Perfect for pla and petg which have lower then 80c glass transitional temps. Because this build is focusing on the higher temp ABS the requirements are for at least 110c. Opting for a much higher rates fuse a 216c fuse was selected so further testing at higher temps can be tested. DISCLAIMER AND WARNING! This is so far untested and might burn out if full power is used. Please use caution when altering heating devices!

Original on top. New on the bottom.

Original fuse in place.

New fuse in place.
