
FULL RC Hawker Hurricane

Design and how I made it from scratch

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For a long time now I wanted to start from scratch and build myself a 3D printed plane. Almost 40 design hours and 40 printing hours later I am finally able to test my first flying prototype.

General info

- Wingspan: ~820mm 

- Length: ~600mm cowl edge to rudder edge (these dimensions depend on how you glue the plane together, calibration of your printer and your choice in the printed pieces) 

- Overall weight: ~1200g (balanced and ready to fly with 4700mA 4S battery, heat shrink film on it and everything else) 

- Servo choice: 9g (SG90) X5. 

- Battery choice: 4S (mandatory at this weight/ portance ratio). I would keep it smaller than 4000mA to save on weight, although I tested mine with a 4700 one. 

- Propeller: 8x4’’ ÷ 8x6’’ (depending on your altitude) I tested mine at 1600m above the sea level with 8x5’’. 

- Brushless motor: ~300W/1000KV with 40A ESC or anything else that would result in ~1Kg of thrust with your propeller choice. 

- Tip and propeller attachment: The standard bullet propeller adapter would look more towards the original shape of the plane. I tested it with Prop savers as you can see in the pictures and video. The choice is yours. 

- Wing incidence angle: 1.5 degree (adjustable) 

- Nose additional weight: I had to add 142g on mine 

- GC ~65mm as you measure from the front edge of the middle wing section towards the tail of the plane. Or suspend the plane by the tips of the wings. See picture. 

- Material: I used PLA. Feel free to use whatever and post pictures if it flies.

STL Files

All the files can be downloaded from here:

  • 1
    About flying it

    At his wheel size and weight it will probably not take off on grass, as you can see in the video. You will need to take off on smooth asphalt or concrete. The asphalt I have access to here (video) is very stony and rough. So maybe a countryside good road, an empty parking lot, a field alley, etc, would do. Depending on several factors like elevation, final weight of your build, battery voltage, propeller pitch and motor, you might find that you need a longer runaway than expected. Mine in the video was about 15m and I felt like it was short like crazy. Always remember that this plane was meant to be a speed fighter in real life. So it’s small wing surface and incidence angle must be compensated with speed in order to keep it in the air.

  • 2

    This is definitely not a model to try if you are a beginner. Being a low winger and a speed plane it might require very quick reflexes in tight spaces and a lot of experience in this domain. Depending on the configuration, I expect that it can reach speeds greater than 40km/h. It’s over 1Kg of bullet. So this is no toy. Hitting somebody with this plane can cause severe injuries or even death. The creator of this thing (AKA ME) does not assume responsibility for any inconvenience, incident, property damage or casualty generated by improper use of this thing.

  • 3
    How to build it

    If you want to build this for yourself and wonder where I buy the servos, electronics and heat shrink film from, here's the link: Watch the video first as I show how I welded the parts together. Yes you can heat and shrink the film on the plane without melting or deforming the PLA printed parts. No special coating required on the plastic parts. I got used to using my regular cloth iron set between ** and *** to glue and shrink the film. Some parts were left unperforated just as solid blocks. They can be printed better as hollow shells with 0% infill and they require trimming of some faces. I will add both the perforated and unperforated stls and you can decide which one to print depending on how much post printing processing you want to do. Check the printing instructions for more details.

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Dan Maloney wrote 10/03/2019 at 16:20 point

What's the film? It almost looks like Kapton.

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Marius Taciuc wrote 10/04/2019 at 01:42 point

I'm sorry for the confusion. I would personally call it heat shrink foil or something but these Chinese named it like that:

2Meters /lot Magic Power Hobby Plane Model Film Hot Shrink Covering Film For RC Airplane Model DIY High Quality Factory Price,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_52

  Are you sure? yes | no

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