
^1 fix hardware issues and some signal remapping

A project log for Gravimetric

for calibration of flow measurement

ronaldsutherlandronald.sutherland 12/02/2019 at 20:320 Comments

After hacking a ^0 to try out an idea for the alternate power input and some hacks to fix other bugs, I did a re-spin of the board. The new revision would also make the manager responsible for enable/disable of power to the SBC, and alternat power. The analog measurements of both alternat and primary power voltage and current are also now in the manager's domain. With luck, the application will not need to concern itself with things like battery charging. The SelfTest got a few changes, but not much, unfortunately, I found another hardware bug that I thought was software, so another spin ^2 is needed.

I will likely hold off on ^2 for some time while I sort out the manager firmware and then spin some other boards (RPUlux, Irrigate7, RPUno) based on this new design.
