The skeleton is formed by a 3D-Printed Frame with a side length of 31.5mm. (Theoretically, it can also be assembled without such a frame, but it is not recommended. )
The interconnection of the PCBs happens via short wires soldered across the fingers at the PCBs edges. There are 5 Lines that can be connected:
- 2x GND
- 5V
- Clock
- Data
Each PCB has a single edge serving as data input (clock and data lines), all the other edges serve as the output. The basic idea is to interconnect GND and 5V on every edge, data and clock should be connected on the input side and on one single output edge to form the daisy chain.
Edge without connected data lines:
Edge with connected data lines:
To build the truncated icosahedron (soccer ball), 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons are required. To create other shapes (dodecahedron, cube...) the other pcbs can be used. Only one PCB must be populated with a controller (ESP-01) (or something compatible matching its socket).
The Source Code (C) can be found on the Github site. (See Project Links)
Some Videos can be found at the end of the files section.