At the end of the day, this is a dressed-up group of switches and LEDs tied to a microcontroller. No ground-breaking code or design involved. That being said, I had a blast trying to incorporate as many ‘real’ and fun things into the design (accurate font, NASA logo, moon landing plaque, JFK quote, SCE switch, Status Report lights/polling, console names, etc.). A bunch of 2-way and 3-way switches and a handful of LEDS later I ended up with this:
As mentioned above, I went with a Particle Photon for the microcontroller (what I had lying around and am used to coding). However, I needed MANY more pins than it has leading me to incorporate several multiplexers into the design. Figuring this general project (panel with lots of switches and LEDS) is something I might make variations of in the future, making a ‘shield’ PCB for incorporating the Photon and Multiplexers into a tidy package (versus a ton of hand-soldering) seemed like a fun side-project in Eagle. (Side Note: I made 10 of these PCBS but will likely only ever use a couple. Message me if you’d like me to send you one to make this project)
A bunch of soldering and coding out how I wanted it to work and I ended up with a finished project.