
Adalogger 5V to 3V3 Screw Terminal Wing

Adafruit Adalogger Feather M0 5Volt to 3V3 Screw Terminal Wing

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Interfacing 5V analog signals to Adafruit Adalogger Feather M0 requires voltage dividers on each analog input. Sketching out a screw terminal Feather Wing for the resistors left enough room for several digital interfaces: I2C, SPI, and RS232.

Logic level shifting is done with BSS138 FETs.

If logic level shifting IS needed for a particular application, the PCB traces should be cut on JP1 through JP6.

If logic level is NOT needed, do NOT install the BSS138 FETs, and do NOT install the 5V side pull-up resistors.

JP7 allows the Feather to have a ground connection on the lower left pin; if this pin is used for a signal, cut the PCB trace on JP7.

To read A7 analog input, remove the two resistors on the Adalogger M0 which monitor the battery.

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