I recreated the whole project using KiCad, because I feel like it's easier to use than EAGLE.
Because of it, I was able to create 3D renders of 10AxisFeatherWing!
Also, I recreated the 10AxisFeatherWingLE with much more cheaper parts. Instead of BME280, I used the BMP280, which does not have the humidity sensor.
Here are some screenshots of the new, improved 10AxisFeatherWingLE:

One last thing: Happy New Year!
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Yeah, I'm working on getting my (very unsteady) hands to cooperate with Kicad use, if only to get those first two views on my Feathers. (Hm... I should check for a "snap to grid" function. That would help. Why didn't I think of that already?)
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I actually had some issues getting the first two screenshots. I found out that I need to install a separate 3d viewing app (FreeCAD) to view 3d .step files, and I cannot just export the board into a .png directly. I used snipping tool on both of them.
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