
First Experience with Linux

I hate ads, I don't want to hate Linux. I thought a reasonable first project would be an adblocker.

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This is a simple DNS adblocker using the Pi-Hole Linux based web server. This setup was designed to be a user-friendly, "plug and play", system that you can plug in and forget about while it does all the heavy lifting.

The hardware in this system is very straightforward:

Raspberry Pi Zero W
A short micro USB cable
iPhone USB wall adapter
32gb micro SD card (overkill but what I got from Microcenter after getting the Pi)

I am very happy with this setup as it is very portable and minimally invasive. As the pictures show below, you can plug this into a wall socket and almost not notice it. I also set up with Raspberry Pi with SSH capability, therefore, I can make changes to it, if needed, anywhere on the network using Putty on windows or SSH in Linux/Mac.

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