
Just a robot skin

Tactile skin for robots using only a sponge like material, fiber optics, a couple of leds and one central camera.

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Tactile skin for robots using only a sponge like material, fiber optics, a couple of leds and one central camera. There's no need to make robot tactile input complex and with difficult repair capabilities. Touch cause decrease/increase in the light on the proximity of the point of pressure. Just an old project back from 2011.

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naskabuterus wrote 02/21/2024 at 19:22 point

Properly hydrated skin looks plumper and more youthful, and it also helps maintain skin elasticity

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Dan Maloney wrote 12/30/2019 at 17:00 point

That's interesting. So I gather that the camera images the fiber bundle and does some kind of image analysis to determine where the touch is occurring. Correct?

If so, and since this project is from back in 2011, I wonder how a decade's advances in machine learning would improve whatever you're using to analyze the image.

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Hugo Arraes wrote 12/31/2019 at 01:35 point

Thanks. Because the input is relatively clean and organized, an opencv is enough to get the pressure points by pixel position. 

We can use a similar approach to get the articulations 3D position too, but without a sponge and using RGB led colors and one fiber optic per joint.

I will make a new post for the articulation 3D position and will add details on this current post too. 

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