The core ingredients of this project are:

What have been the key challenges so far?


Here's a photo of the Raspberry Pi 4 version:

As can be seen, there are not really very many parts involved in this project.Initially, I chose to use the LoRa module and Pi4 as I had these components lying around after some other projects were abandoned. There's nothing wrong with using these gadgets and power usage is the same with a Nvidia Nano and the Pi 4 but, I have to confess, I am a bit of a cellphone 4G junky and having a web interface based on Mbytes rather than Kbytes of data is sweeeeeet. Also, as time goes on, the deep learning part of the project will be further developed and the Pi4 is, sadly, unlikely to be up to the job due to lack of suitable GPU. Other salvaged parts include the external pressure / temperature sensor and housing and the waterproof case, which is invaluable.