
Basic-MC6800 where am I now

A project log for Basic MC6800

Building a simple striped down computer from the mid 70's based around the Motorola MC6809 MPU

gee-bartlettGee Bartlett 08/02/2020 at 06:401 Comment

Thought it may be time for a brief update as I have been quiet on this for a while.

The Basic-MC6800 is still an active project it has just been n the back burner for a little while while i have been working on other things.

I have pretty much completed the next version of the board. It is now waiting to be sent off the JLCPCB. 

I have made some updates to the control logic using a set of and and or gates so now the control logic should work.  I have also broken out a few spare inverters just in in case they are needed for modding later.
I have added a series of mounting holes so I can add future boards on the front. The other thing to not is i Changed the crystal package over the a HC49 landing as these are more freely available in for crystals < 4MHz. 

Looks the part in the 3d render.

Still wondering if the skinny DIP is the right choice for the RAM.

This project slowed after the Retro computer fair i was going to take it to was closed down but ii'm getting a feeling for continuing this project further. 

I'll keep you updated how things go.


Liam Proven wrote 08/02/2020 at 11:46 point

You have a typo:

> Building a simple striped down computer

That should be "stripped down". "Striped" means "covered in bands of colour".

Which CPU are you using? A 6800 is a different chip from a 6809, so I find your description confusing. <- very early, very primitive, an ancestor of the 6502 <- relatively late, descended from the 6800 but also drew inspiration from the 6502, Z80 & 8080; arguably the last great 8-bit CPU and the most complex and capable.

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