A free, online, and month-long workshop series for middle and high-school students on fun, and creative topics, including Scratch and MIT App Inventor, in light of COVID-19: https://spandan.unstructured.studio/.
Timeline: March 28 - April 28, 2020
Workshops Schedule: 1. Introduction to Character Designing - March 29th & April 5th, 4 pm UTC 2. Building Mobile Apps with MIT App Inventor - April 11th, 4 pm & April 19th, 2:30 pm UTC 3. Introduction to Robotic Programming Concepts April 12th, 4 pm UTC 4. Designing Circuits with TinkerCad - April 18th, 3:00 pm UTC 5. Making Hybrid Images using Python - TBA 6. Programming with Scratch - April 26th, 4:00 pm UTC
Registration for Spandan Workshops for Round 1 is now closed. You can sign-up to facilitate and receive updates about Round 2 from the project website.