

Using computer vision aims to Guide fitness activities from a observations on the actions of doing right kind of exercise in right way.

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It’s well understood that exercise is integral to health, but all exercise is not created equal, and depending on numerous factors such as body type, age and fitness goals, one person’s preferred workout regimen may look very different from the next person’ we need a virtual Fitness trainer where Human activity recognition using computer vision aims to recognize activities from a series of observations on the actions of doing right kind of exercise with right process and meet fitness goal from home.

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pop0w.vic wrote 04/18/2023 at 10:55 point

I prefer to wear sportswear because it's more comfortable for me. Now I want to update my wardrobe a little (specifically to find beautiful tight-fitting leggings to emphasize my dignity, so to speak). What options can you recommend? Do you know any good stores with a large selection and good quality?

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Mateerleen wrote 05/09/2021 at 09:25 point

This virtual trainer is a good idea now, when there's no opportunity to go to the gym.

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