So my main CNC controller burned and all shipping was suspended due to covid19. I have a beaglebone black for experimenting.
The main idea is to use beaglebone, prototype board, soldered wires, and external drivers
I setup everything an tested. At the end, I didn't like the final result. The movement is very jerky and Cetus remote interface leads to latency increase and sudden stops. It just can't work together on Beaglebone. With local interface, like tklinuxcnc it works, but my goal is working without LCD. I move to Arduino mega.
First moves, some code tweaks. Axes working, need to setup limit switches. I saw some discussions, where people talk about levels compatibility. Beaglebone output is 3.3V. I can say that my drivers (TB6600) working good, despite 3.3V level input.
My TinyG controller burned and can't be restored. Currently I set up an Arduino Uno with external drivers and GRBL firmware. My goal is to replace Arduino with Beaglebone Black, since only 3 axes are supported in GRBL.
Conclusions so far:
Beaglebone Green Wireless can't be used, because some needed pins are occupied.
The machinekit image for the Beaglebone can be downloaded from: