The Warehouse is a place for everyone. It’s one of the biggest shared public workshop of its kind in the UK, open in the first instance for residents of Barking and Dagenham.


It’s a new type of workspace with lots of exciting equipment. The Warehouse has different types of spaces and machinery, for woodwork, digital design, fashion and fabrics, for cooking in an industrial kitchen, co-working and learning spaces.


There is no cost for using The Warehouse. We think this is really important for using these types of spaces for building inclusive economies. We’d like The Warehouse to be seen very much like a public library or a park, and just as essential.

Members that come to The Warehouse will be part of looking after the spaces, equipment and sharing skills within the community.

Everyone gets involved in organising how the spaces will be used, giving as much access to as many people as possible.

You’ll need to attend a Warehouse membership induction to use the space.