
FPC connector working!

A project log for SAAB 9-3 'ICM2' Display Hacking

Reverse-engineering how this unique LCD display works.

leigh-oliverLeigh Oliver 05/06/2020 at 06:401 Comment

A new 'FPC Stick' from Adafruit arrived in the post recently, and I set to work attempting to get the ICM2 display to operate through it. 

The end goal here is to be able to use two of these FPC connectors on a custom PCB (and possibly two more, to intercept the 30-pin FPC from the buttons/switches on the ICM unit) in a kind of "Man-In-The-Middle" arrangement. This will allow for very easy Stock / Custom switching, if desired!

Here's a close up shot of the crappy soldering I did. 

No project would be complete without a bodge wire or two, at least, in my experience.

Here's a photo of the whole setup in breadboard form at the moment.

Also, yes, I mistakenly wrote BUILT from Jets, instead of BORN from Jets. You've caught me, I'm a fake fan. I'll turn in my keys immediately...


Leigh Oliver wrote 05/06/2020 at 06:42 point

Completely forgot to mention, the pin connections required for the FFC/FPC is available here:

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