
Fifth release: Atari 2600

A project log for Control Freak

Collection of Arduino Micro firmware and schematics for connecting your retro Joysticks and Gamepads to USB port.

danjovicdanjovic 05/03/2020 at 17:340 Comments

I have just uploaded the Atari 2600 firmware. It can work with

The schematic is a mix of the Sega controller with PC controller in the sense that it uses a DB-9 and two RC networks.

The Driving controller uses a variable step. The faster you move it, larger are the steps.

// modulate the value of wheelStep to reflect the velocity that the wheel is being spinned
timeNow = millis();
deltaTime = timeNow - lastTime;
lastTime = timeNow;
  if (deltaTime < 2 )
     wheelStep = 8;
  else if (deltaTime < 6 )
     wheelStep = 4;
  else wheelStep = 1;

I don't have a steering controller but used an ordinary encoder to test the code.

And here is the prototype. The paddles are DIY
