I got the fastening hardware set up with 4 of the servos today and did a test run. Let's just say I'm not going to upload any video yet :/
I definitely underestimated what it would take to get a sine wave movement going through the servos. Basically the resolution is limited by the number of servos in the chain. With my current setup I'll get a 4 bit sine wave. Yayyyyyy!!!!
This isn't what I had originally planned but we'll see how it goes. I also have another idea for a movement method so I'll be implementing that as well.
The fastening hardware doesn't hold the servos together SUPER tight which will likely become more of a problem in the future. I'll have to invest in actual brackets if I can't come up with a good idea for the current setup.
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Come on now! honor those early failures and more importantly show us some video!
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Fine, fine... there's one in the new log ;)
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