
Linear 2D-Scanner for Magnetic Fields

Scans a magnetic fields in two dimensions

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I used to take apart all my CD-Rom drives to get those linear rails with stepper-motor. to stick a sensor into this was only a logical consequence.

The ultra Device ( can activete this with initializing a 2D-scan.

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Duane Degn wrote 05/07/2020 at 04:43 point

Use a HMC5883L sensor instead of the single axis Hall Effect sensor and you should be able to record more detail about the magnetic fields.

Hopefully the motors won't interfere too much with the sensor.

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j wrote 05/07/2020 at 09:02 point

Thanks for the info. Yea, the direction with strength of the magnetic field at every point could give alot more information. I think the motors were turned of for every meassurement and then get power only for the movement again.

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