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A project log for jupyosys

..from Python Jupyter notebook to silicon

martinMartin 06/27/2020 at 15:370 Comments

Close to summer break, where brains stop to function and the incentives tend to be ice cream rather than a successfully blinking but heat producing FPGA board. It's time to summarize what works and what doesn't, plus a small road map:




As of now, a lot of complexity is introduced by legacy MyHDL behaviour and support of existing structures. To support inference of all kinds of constructs, the complexity would be very much increased (which is considered 'dangerous' at this time, as the underlying architecture might still receive a redesign).

To be able to create working prototypes anyhow, the current strategy tries to follow the 'blackbox' approach:

Instead of trying to make the synthesizer guess what it should create from a functional description, we pick things from a library that is known to work, then we wrap them such that they look like our functional description (that plays right in simulation). Even better, in MyHDL we can pack them into the same functional block. We just need to verify that the actual hardware implementation behaves exactly the same as the functional simulation. This functional block also provides the support for high level constructs, for example, a class object that supports multiplication and infers to the matching black box multiplier element underneath.

For example, a PLL on an ECP5 FPGA is defined as @blackbox entity `EHXPLLL`, including a simple (currently imprecise) simulation model for its up to four clock outputs, however, for synthesis, this model is ignored and the explicit (yosys specific) inferral routine is called to reserve the matching primitive for the final wiring. For another implementation method (be that a different synthesizer or different silicon architecture), another implementation is added as python sub-function decorated with the @synthesis(method) decorator.

This blackbox API is now considered 'set' and will only change marginally with respect to some argument/parameter handling. Now here comes the roadmap:

The full goal: Running just everything out of a python shell
