

A prototype board for the STLINK-V3-MODS

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Since STMicroelectronics presented it, I had been very curious to try it.
There where all the specs for being a very usefull thing: a cheap and really small debugger intended to be integrated on every custom PCB that needs onboard debugging capabilities.
I have immediatly decided to develop my own PCB in order to get it usable also as a standalone debugger.
So after some hours of component placing and designing I've completed it!
Here are some key features of my design:
-Standard 2,54mm pin header for all the availables interfaces: UART/USART, CAN, VCP, SPI, I2C
-Directly controllable GPIOs
-Complete JTAG/SWD interface
-RJ12 Tag Connect TC2030 compatible debugging interface
Despite what is written in the User Manual (UM2502) provided from ST, I’ve found in the CAD library and verified in my board that from Pin 22 (marked as Reserved) is it possible to get the 5V coming from the USB.
So, PLEASE, take particular care and USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

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Zanzan wrote 01/27/2021 at 08:34 point

Hi, where did you find ST-link V3 MODS related 3D model and footprint?

I'm trying to develop my own PCB for debug purpose but I cannot find any info related to footprint and the related 3D modle for CAD.

Can you help me in someway?

Many thanks

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