Quantity   Component name
1 × OV7670 camera module Input thingie
1 × STM32F103C8T6 ‘blue pill’ board Brains
1 × LTP1245 thermal printer module Output thingie
1 × 2S LiIon battery pack Mobile power supply, providing for the power-hungry thermal printer
1 × Pushbutton As a camera trigger
4 × BC817, BC807 As a stepper motor driver. May be replaced by equivalent transistors or an actuall stepper driver IC
1 × 74HCT245 Or anything else usable as a level shifter from 3.3 to 5 V
1 × Thermocromic printer paper You won't be printing on air with this one!
1 × SD card and socket Optional; only needed if you want a digital copy, too