Change the Planet with PSoC® IoT Design submission questions:

1. What planet-changing IoT project do you want to build?  

This project is about making fishkeeping, one of the most popular pet-related hobbies in the world, a more fun cleaner activity for the planet, by empowering uses with better control over their aquarium, thus reducing fish stress and deaths, and increasing satisfaction at the same time.

2. Which Cypress PSoC® 6 Dev Kit would you like to use for the project and why? (you can use multiple kits)

I want to use capsense for my project, because it makes the UI that much more appealing and I have a lot of experience with it. And I want wifi too. I'd Use the 062 pioneer kit, because I want a GUI on this project!

3. How will you use AWS IoT or other cloud services in your project? 

I want the user to store all measured data in a cloud, and let them add additional info as needed: keeping a record of the aquarium health over time can help generate trends and give additional insight on what to do next (ex : an ammonia spike is expected, you should activate a water change!)

4. What is your experience level with embedded IoT design? 

I currently am working on my master's and I am developing a CapSense robotic sensing application using a PSoC 4100S Series chip. I also have access to The PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer kit. Although I am starting to have quite a lot of experience with PSoC, I do not own any of the development kits I am working with as they are pretty expensive. I would love to have some of my own, so I can keep working with PSoC once my master's is completed.