
DIY hobby servos quadruped robot

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Cheap 3D printed 4 legged robot, that almost looks like boston dynamics spot but moves like a newborn.


leetyaga wrote 01/10/2023 at 12:03 point

Great project! I have already started assembling it and finished with the mechanics. I see the arduino code on the github, but where can I find the program for the Raspberry Pi and instructions for installing it?

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Miguel Ayuso Parrilla wrote 01/13/2023 at 21:14 point

Hi Thats awesome, hope you enjoy they job! Raspberry code just in the main branch of repository.

Main program: and all sources at /src folder. There are no instructions for raspberry pi and you would need to have the skill to understand the code, as you would need to do calibration manually as exposed in its log:

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Anthony Graglia wrote 01/07/2022 at 11:15 point

This is so awesome. Is this project going to continually be improved or was it just a fun project? And is the code your own or based on another project such as the Open Dynamic Robot Initiative? Time to start ordering the BOM!

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Caleb wrote 07/10/2020 at 12:25 point

I was making cables from breakaway headers like the white cables in your pictures. If you get a crimping tool and a set of headers like these, you'll probably really like the result.

* Crimp pliers:

* Header set:

* Cable (of some sort):

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Miguel Ayuso Parrilla wrote 07/13/2020 at 09:05 point

Nice, thanks for suggest and pointing it out! I used what i had by home

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Caleb wrote 07/05/2020 at 13:35 point

Can you add the STL files to your repo? Hackaday makes me click each one to download, which is dumb.

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Caleb wrote 07/07/2020 at 01:08 point

Awesome!!! I've been slowly getting all the pieces together to try this build. This will really help. Thanks!

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