
Reverse Engineering Motor Signal Board Day 8 - Finally figured out the clock!

A project log for Reviving and Reverse Engineering an Old Robot Arm

A full reverse engineering and rebuild of a Mitsubishi Movemaster robotic arm

taylor-schweizerTaylor Schweizer 06/08/2020 at 02:200 Comments

I finally figured out the clock that is running to all of the flip flops! There is a 2MHz clock signal coming from the main CPU board that goes into a 4 bit counter, and the flip flop clock is using the uppermost bit so it is effectively divided by 8. There is also a signal coming from the second bit, so it is the clock divided by 4, going into the 4 input NAND gate. What that means is the flip flops are clocked on a 250 kHz signal.

I also finished tracing all of the encoder logic channels. All that remains is the final bits of logic involving multiplexers and stuff.

Powering the main CPU board:

And the schematic/PCB
