
Pandemic Dayclock with Indoor Air Quality Sensors with a CO2 sensor, OTA updates, and web/XML/JSON interfaces.

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Pandemic DayClock, with temperature, humidity, and CO2 sensors. With web interfaces to access the data (HTML/XML/JSON). Also OTA update capability.

I saw and printed both the hemisphere clock and pointer.  I wanted to have some progress during the day, instead of an update once per day, so I started updating the code to provide an hourly update of the pointer.

Then it went off the rails...

I obtained a MHZ-19B CO2 sensor which I use as a measure of the indoor air quality of my little basement workspace.  So I wanted to expose these measurements in some way, so I used a standard 1602a LCD panel to display the temperature, humidity, and CO2 level.  Then I was interested in providing this data for further analysis, so I added XML and JSON interfaces to pull the data as well as a UDP push source, and an auto-updating web page view. 

I finally added OTA update capability so I don't have to walk 3 feet across my room, unplug the power source, and plug it into USB to reprogram it. 


Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 5.36 kB - 05/18/2020 at 00:53



Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 6.37 kB - 05/18/2020 at 00:53



Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 4.94 kB - 05/18/2020 at 00:53



Top down view of the ESP32 wiring

JPEG Image - 3.55 MB - 05/17/2020 at 23:40



JPEG Image - 3.94 MB - 05/17/2020 at 23:40


  • 1 × MHZ-19B CO2 sensor
  • 1 × DHT22 Temperature/Humidity sensor
  • 1 × ESP32 Microcontroller
  • 1 × 1602a I2C LCD panel
  • 1 × 9g Servo Servo Motor

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Mike Szczys wrote 05/26/2020 at 21:00 point

Scope creep, I love it! Looking forward to data analysis from the CO2 sensor -- wondering what daily trends are like, especially when the house is closed up versus windows open for nice weather.

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Ahron Wayne wrote 05/27/2020 at 16:15 point

And whether any bad actors come by to breathe on it --- I was at the university of Michigan and they have these installed in the walls. When it got above 1000 PPM it started giving off a silent alarm (which I assume they quickly learned to ignore).

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Jeff Thieleke wrote 05/27/2020 at 19:38 point

1000 PPM seems pretty slow, but maybe.  It was raining here yesterday so I had the windows shut and it reached about 1650 PPM.  It might have just been psychosomatic but I did feel worse (minor headache) than a typical 500-800 PPM day.

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Ahron Wayne wrote 05/27/2020 at 20:02 point

Ha, I don't remember what the concentration actually was --- it was a wide-open space and I remember the original one definitely not being in the quadruple digits. Whatever the case, I blew on it and it started flashing some kind of warning. 

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Jeff Thieleke wrote 05/27/2020 at 19:33 point

The endless pandemic project!

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