

A project log for M10CUBE

M10CUBE (M10 in short) is a modular controller box with cube dimensions 10x10x10cm. Raspberry bus will be used for the first incarnation.

vasilis-vorriasVASILIS VORRIAS 02/06/2021 at 18:450 Comments

M10CP02-01 (CPU BOARD)
- Raspberry PI pin out with 40 pin connector as main interconnection between various M10CUBE modules
- Raspberry Pico module
- ESP01 For WiFi only
- I2C Extender
- SD card
- CON Li BAT with charger + booster to 5V
- CON PV for charging
- CON 64BIT WS2812 LED array. (can be used to display data or as emergency light)
- CON 5 - 24V input
- ?

- Raspberry PI pin out with 40 pin connector as main interconnection between various M10CUBE modules
- Four mikrobus ( . We may extent it with 4 more pins. GPS, LoRa, Sensors will go on small breakout PCBs on mikrobus footprint so to use the many ready available mikrobus boards or to make your own, since mikrobus is open and free to use. Actually we are planning our own LoRa and GPS mikrobus boards to be available out of the box on the new design
- ASD1115 (4 channel I2C ADC)
- MEMS digital microphone
- GROVE connectors for I2C and Digital sensors
- More sensors on board

 with KICAD 6 (nightly build)
