
M10CUBE looks like TOFU ?

A project log for M10CUBE

M10CUBE (M10 in short) is a modular controller box with cube dimensions 10x10x10cm. Raspberry bus will be used for the first incarnation.

vasilis-vorriasVASILIS VORRIAS 08/16/2021 at 11:510 Comments

Some time ago tofu board came to market.

This is a carrier board for use with Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4.

As you can see there are a lot of similarities (concerning the dimensions 90X90mm)

Mounting holes are almost at same point as M10CUBE. Oratek made them at 4mm, 6.1 mm space from the PCB edge. I wander why did not make it 4mm, 4mm as M10CUBE.

Anyway the excellent TOFU board proved that 90x90mm PCB dimension is a golden rule on doing similar designs.

We are very proud to see that similarity in two different designs not knowing each other's work but having common sense and practical design ideas.

Having said that the tofu containers can be used as an inspiration and with a little modifications for M10CUBE

You can see the similarities on a M10CUBE prototype board and a tofu board

This is the TUFU module

This is one of the M0CUBE I/O module (M10DX02-10) in KiCad

Same module in 3D

Soon will publish our new versions in CPU, PS and sensor boards
