
Modular add-ons for the CalEarth Dome Homes

People living in dome homes require modular add-ons which provide solutions for connectivity, water, power harvesting,
lighting, and heating

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People living in SuperAdobe dome homes require modular add-ons which provide solutions for connectivity, water, power harvesting,
lighting, and heating. These add-ons should fit, or mount, seamlessly into the CalEarth dome housing models. The add-ons will allow those living in the domes to customize their dome home according to their personal needs.


1. Connectivity
2. Water
3. Power Harvesting
4. Lighting
5. Heating

Link for design brief:
Link for CalEarth (What is a SuperAdobe?):

Stage 1: Preliminary research into what should each add-on comprise of?

  1. Connectivity add-on
  2. Water add-on 
  3. Power-harvesting add-on
  4. Lighting add-on
  5. Heating add-on

  • Add-on: Heating

    Neil K. Sheridan05/19/2020 at 19:34 0 comments

    What should comprise the heating add-on?

  • Add-on: Lighting

    Neil K. Sheridan05/19/2020 at 19:33 1 comment

    What should comprise the lighting add-on?

  • Add-on: power-harvesting

    Neil K. Sheridan05/19/2020 at 19:33 0 comments

    What should comprise the power-harvesting add-on?

    I envisage this would comprise renewable energy harvesting. So, solar means a PV system, with battery storage. Would this comprise a micro-grid for the entire village of dome homes vs. each home having its own entire PV system? Really the same with wind, and turbines if near to a river. If it's really rainy, even the rainwater harvesting could incorporate turbines?

  • Add-on: Water

    Neil K. Sheridan05/19/2020 at 19:32 0 comments

    What should comprise the water add-on?

    Since there is unlikely to be a water grid, I would envisage the water add-on would comprise rain-water harvesting. This would include collection (i.e. from the roof of structures) -> filtering macro-particles -> micro-particles -> UV/chemical to remove bacteria/viruses/protozoa -> storage.

    Q. Does each home need to process gray water? E.g. from washing dishes, showers.

    Q. Does each home need to process wastewater from toilets? 

  • Add-on: Connectivity

    Neil K. Sheridan05/19/2020 at 19:28 0 comments

    What should comprise the connectivity add-on?

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