Movies first!
What is it?
Its just an advanced toy :)
The gun will detect targets if it will appear closer than configured threshold. If the target moves away from the gun, the gun will be moved upward so that water will likely hit at greater distance. If the gun has reached the XY position of the target, the 4 water valves will be acivated one by one, only one valve will be active each time. This will give a nice effect.
What features does it have?
- 180° viewing angle, 12 meter range RPlidar A1 sensor
- 4-way water valve with nozzles having around 10 meter range
- The steppers are controlled by Arduino AccelSteppper library to increase, decrease smoothly and prevent mechanical stress as much as possible
- It looks frightening
The electric diagram:
More details will follow soon!
Does the liar work well in different daylight conditions please? If it's sunny is it worse than overcast? Have you tried it at night?