
New Zakhar Face Module

A project log for Zakhar the Robot

An interesting robot without a clear purpose

andrei-gramakovAndrei Gramakov 08/07/2022 at 21:050 Comments

The new Unit is based on the ESP-Wrover-Kit and uses a TJA1050 module for CANbus communication.

It is compatible with the qCAN protocol (described on the Zakhar main page) and can show 5 facial expressions: Anger (0x32), Sadness (0x34), Pleasure (0x33), a Blink (0x31), and Calm (0x30).

To control it you should send a CAN message with an expression code using a 125Kbit standard CAN frame and with the message id ending with byte 0x4. E.g. send a message with ID: 0x004, data: 0x33 to make Zakhar happy 😍.

Read more on the Zakhar main page.
