I've been watching folks build lots of things using the tensegrity principle, the idea that all of a structure's members are suspended, and I thought it was really cool. After tinkering with some laser cut pieces, I came to a shape I found rather nice and felt fun, so I turned it into a circuit board and added some USB to it. The 26 gauge wires that are holding everything in tension also serve to provide power and signal to the top part, where the electronics are housed.
I've had a lot of issues with this current design.
On the center support, the copper wire is going in at a 90 degree angle, and that right angle makes it break frequently. Additionally, it would be helpful if the wire was on both sides, like two wires in the center to handle the extra strength needed.
I'm also gonna nix the ATTiny85, that was a useless idea.
I also want to make the staff the touch sensors, so that's gonna get swapped out.
The microphone circuit is unusable, so I am going to swap for a circuit with an opamp.
So many problems. Hopefully I don't redesign too much.