
Stepmania 5 compile for ARM (Jetson TK1)

Stepmania 5 in a portable device!

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Here's how I compiled Stepmania 5.2 (2018 August, and I do have plans to test with 5.3) for ARM processor. Initially on a RasPi... at only 10FPS, then went for an overclocked Jetson TK1 board (192 CUDA cores, unlocked CPU) to achieve a playable experience.

First draft 5/28.

I plan to update to Stepmania 5.3 and update this guide as I learn more about this process.

MPEG-4 Video - 8.41 MB - 05/28/2020 at 01:18


  • 1
    Installation of NVIDIA L4T (or other base OS)

    On a TK1, I installed L4T and all associated drivers/addons:

    I won't cover install of the base device OS here. Most other debian-based distros would likely work.

  • 2
    Installation of Preliminary Packages
    sudo apt-get install libmad0 libjpeg62 libva1 libstdc++6
  • 3
    Adding Repository and Updating
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test 
    sudo apt-get update

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