
Clear Piece Vacuum Forming Buck off the printer .1mm Resolution

A project log for Clear N95 + Mask , 3d Printed & Vacuum Formed

Covid-19 and Flu, 3d Printed and Vacuum Formed for Cerebral Palsy, Hearing Impaired, Deaf, Autistic and Elderly

josh-starnesJosh Starnes 06/17/2020 at 22:030 Comments

This buck is fresh off the printer, I did another test fit and things are looking good. I went ahead and started the printer for the frame buck which we will not see for a couple days because .1mm printing is SO SLOW , but the results are desirable.  Once the plastic is stretched it will be .02" maybe less so the fitment between the clear part of the mask and frame should be tight.

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Here you see the Buck for the inside by the outer frame.

Please take the time to LIKE this post or project, it means everything to seeing this project through to an actual usable product AND winning a position in the Hackaday Challange for a Seed Money Grant.

Please take the time to LIKE this post or project, it means everything to seeing this project through to an actual usable product AND winning a position in the Hackaday Challange for a Seed Money Grant.
