
Exploring ideas for testing

A project log for 2020 HDP Dream Team: Field Ready

The 2020 HDP Dream Teams are participating in a two month engineering sprint to address their nonprofit partner. Follow their journey here.

tom-hartleyTom Hartley 07/27/2020 at 21:220 Comments

Hi there! Today I want to share some of our explorations into what easier testing could look like. Field Ready's current Quality Control processes mean that test plans are a mandatory part of each product's documentation, and help to ensure that each product they produce is of a high standard. However, we were wondering if it could be possible to produce a clearer set of testing guidelines for a product. To do so, we have tried to redesign the testing plan for one product. We had a couple of goals:

As always, this log is a snapshot into our current process: it doesn't represent a finalised vision but simply a stepping stone on our path - we welcome feedback and will iterate internally, as well as testing our concepts with Field Ready employees and manufacturers.

I started by taking an existing piece of documentation to work from. I chose a face mask design they've produced recently and worked from it. Here's the original test plan: 

So - here's my attempt at an improvement [NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL TESTING PLAN. It is a design mockup, and data is fabricated. Please do not use this for testing any products]: 

What are some of the changes?

What are some downsides of the new approach?

As always, pop a comment down below with your thoughts and comments!
