
Finite State Machine Panel Wiring

A project log for TMD-1: A Turing Machine Demonstrator

Develop a Turing machine that is simple to program and easy to understand.

michael-gardiMichael Gardi 08/19/2020 at 06:580 Comments

As with the Tape Panel I started by wiring all of the ground leads together for the LEDs and buttons then added a jumper so I could attach the ground(s) to one of the Expander's extra GND pins.

I added limiting resistors to all of the lamps.

Then I mounted a second Expander PCB to the back of the Finite State Machine Panel with two sided tape and connected all 16 of the purple status lamps to it. I had to change the I2C address for this board so it would not conflict with the first. There are jumpers for this.

Here are all the connections made:

Lamps: C, B, A, READ, WRITE, MOVE, GOTO, A1, A0, Ab, B1, B0, Bb, C1, C0, Cb Extender Pins: PB7,  PB6,  PB5, PB4,  PB3,  PB2,  PB1,  PB0, PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3, PA4, PA5, PA6, PA7
Transition Table Reader +5VExtender Pins: VCC
Transition Table Reader GNDExtender Pin: GND
Wire Ground Extender Pin: GND

I installed the Finite State Machine Panel onto the console and proceeded to wire the 33 Hall Effect Sensors to the Arduino.

Here are the Arduino pins the sensors are connected to:

GOTO 1373839404142434445
GOTO 2464748495051525310

In addition the following connections were made:

HALT Lamp Arduino Pin: 11
PLAY ButtonArduino Pin: 12
RUN/STEP SwitchArduino Pin: 13
Extender Pin: GNDArduino Pin: GND
Extender Pin: VCCArduino Pin: VCC
Extender Pin:  SCLTape's Extender Pin: SCL
Extender Pin: SDATape's Extender Pin: SDA

Done Wiring

That's it.  The Turing Machine Demonstrator hardware is completed. More testing and a lot of coding are in my immediate future.
