
Compass for astronomers

Compass and level for telescope alignment

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I like astronomy and recently bought a telescope.
To start observing the sky, I found that would have the need for a level compass and a tilt meter to correctly position my telescope.
I could do all this calibration with my cell phone.
However, I thought that eventually I wouldn't be able to count on him, so I had the idea of assembling a device that would meet all my needs without a cell phone.

I used the following components:
Arduino Nano R3, LSM303D - compass - discontinued, lcd 16x2 - generic, I2C Serial Module for LCD Display - generic, push button - generic, on-off button with lock.

To make the software, I set up a sketch on the Arduino API with the help of some youtubers programmers. I made the reference in the comments of the main.INO file. I also made some comments. Only they are in Brazilian Portuguese, my native language.

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