I've always wanted to make a large LED matrix to hang on my wall and display random info so here's my first step towards that. Special Thanks to JLCPCB for sponsoring this project. JLCPCB Prototype for $2 (Any Color): https://jlcpcb.com
Thanks! It's basically two MAX7219 spi chains, each controlling 128x32 leds (well currently waiting on more led matrices to arrive). Each submodule is 8x32 with 4 max chips and everything is basically a very long serial chain. The combined fanout/clock+chip select capacitance are limiting factors in terms of update speed using the drive architecture I've opted but it'd be easy enough to break down the display into smaller chains and use more spi busses to send data in parallel to the subsections if a higher refresh speed is needed.
nice! how is this controlled? always wanted to have an LED matrix to replace the OLED screen and play some arduboy games on it :D