
Log 6: Went out to gather some data

A project log for UnifiedWater

UnifiedWater is an IoT empowered, smart water quality monitoring device enabling remote data collection and visualisation on a dashboard.

andrei-florianAndrei Florian 08/24/2020 at 13:300 Comments

I went around to collect some data from the device and ensure that everything is working fine. I started off by heading to a canal near me and leaving the device in the water for around 4 hours and collecting the data sent back. I noticed that the pH reading was very bad and tested the pH probe to see what reading it gave when I put it in distilled water. Because the reading was not 7, I had to recalibrate the probe by leaving it in the distilled water until its reading was of pH 7.

I then headed closer to the City Center. I walked around tributaries of the River Liffey (Dublin) and placed the device in the water to take a reading at different points. I then collated this data in a dashboard I created using Soracom Lagoon. I found that one of the readings showed a bad pH value in one of the tributaries of the river.
