

J.Muhammad wrote 08/01/2022 at 07:18 point

Greetings. I am longtime hackaday lurker. I ran into this here interesting article here...hope it is still monitored:) I recently solved a problem I had by using a Arduino Pro Mini (i.e. 8MHz/3.3V Nano) and now it is tucked away in a far corner powered by a 5V wall adapter. 

My plan was to update a table stored in Flash Memory using Arduino IDE once a year by dragging it to my desk and connecting it to the USB port, and view the serial output on Terminal v1.93b to make sure it is still working OK before sticking it back into its lonely exile. With Terminal v1.93b, I can "Auto Disconnect/Connect" so can use the same port to program on one app and monitor on another. Neat. 

OK, so after that long setup to an actual question, do you suppose I can use Bluetooth module to program through Arduino IDE and monitor the serial communication? 

Extra happiness for me if I can still use both Arduino IDE and Terminal on same port (e.g. COM5). Thanks. P.S. I will probably just build it next week and see if it works that way for me.

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LT wrote 03/06/2021 at 17:04 point

Hi, nice project! Just wanted to say that  your XNOR circuit is also known as a "monostable multivibrator" and in this case you want a "trailing/negative edge detector" with a "negative output pulse". More circuits of this type maybe found in this article "Working with Monostable Multivibrators" by Ray Marston:

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