
Weatherproofing completed! :)

A project log for Propel-E 450 | A very powerful windturbine

A 2m windturbine made from corn! Completely 3D-printable and open-source.

bram-peirs-fw2wBram Peirs @ FW2W 09/22/2020 at 15:340 Comments

No wind and a sunny day here in Belgium, ideally to work 6m height to install the new parts on the windturbine!

The new bearings that are more waterproof, showcased on the axle that is now only 30mm diameter instead of 35mm which should still be plenty of strength.

The white part is a raincap to insure that no rain will get on the axle and the bearings:

The raincap shoves into the big white ring:

We also made an additional cap to protect the front bearing:
