

Open Source earthquake early-warning solution

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Only a handful of countries around the world have created EEWs due to high cost of infrastructure and bespoke software.

We have created an IoT solution that has been proven in Mexico since 2017: sensor, detection algorithms, and methods for sending real-time alerts for earthquakes. This is now hosted by the Linux Foundation for anyone to use.

Since 2017 we have been deploying sensors in rural Mexico to detect earthquakes. These sensors are located in buildings and record ground accelerations. Thanks to a new generation of low-noise MEMs accelerometers, we are able to get measure very small vibrations. 

All of these vibrations are sent to the cloud where we run algorithms to detect if an earthquake is happening, or something else like a passing truck.

These events are then sent to nearby populations via a mobile app or device.

The whole project is now open source (since August 2020) and we have a emerging networks being built in Nepal, New Zealand and Chile.

You can visit the project website here:

And the Github repositories for hardware and software here:

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dsl wrote 09/18/2020 at 09:13 point

Great project! It's a pleasure to see such projects where you can 3D print a case on your own.

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Tom Nardi wrote 09/15/2020 at 06:21 point

Fascinating project, glad to see it here on IO.

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