
TeensyLC-based midi controller for photo editing

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Get in touch with photo editing and get some electronic beats in while you’re at it.


picsartapk68 wrote 12/18/2023 at 18:34 point

PicsArt employs intuitive commands and functionalities for various editing tools. While the specific keyboard shortcuts seen in software like Adobe Lightroom might not be present in PicsArt, it provides a user-friendly interface with icons, menus, and touch-based controls. In PicsArt, you can access editing features by tapping on icons or using menus directly on the screen, making it easy to navigate and use tools without relying on keyboard shortcuts.

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Tim wrote 11/11/2021 at 15:50 point

I love the idea, LR has some UNCONVENIENT ways of jumping around. How does LR get the command and respond? Is it like a key-stroke playback? I didn't think there were keystrokes to jump to each tool/slider. R to crop (why not C like PS?) Q to heal (J in PS!) etc.

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